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N&S Computers About
Our Introduction

Are you tired of the hassle of disassembling your pc and taking it over to a overly priced pc repair shop?. Or how about when your friend who says he/she can fix it only to make the problem worse?.

N&S Computers is your answer. We have proven to our customers and customers family members along down that line that N&S Computers will fix the problem correctly the first time. We do not just fix your pc problem but we also inform you how it happened, why it happened and what you can do about it the next time to stop it.

In Hamilton, Ontario and surrounding areas there are a lot of pc repair shops that do repairs but most of these shops do not take the time to inform you about your problem and are quick to get ahold of your wallet with overly priced hourly wages with insane priced parts. Some pc repair shops do a poor job of repairing it so that they will attempt to get your business again within days or weeks. We also deal with older model pc's, newer pc's, leased pc, named brand pc's.

We also repair laptops problem solve personal/business networks, upgrades via any method from ram, hard drives, cd/dvd drives for example. Our pc parts dealers that we use provide 30 day exchanges and 1 year warranties on all major parts and accessories.

N&S Computers also builds custom computers for home/work/business that packs power for your dollar. We have dealt with every major computer parts brands and know what will perform and what will be problematic also on the side note that custom computer are much cheap then major brand names you see advertised, So don't be afraid if you want a custom built pc for you or a family member or the whole family for that matter we are here to help you. Just remember that you don't have to be a computer nerd to use a computer but you do require common sense.

Don't accept anything from anyone online that you do not know

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